Public Health

Diabetes Alert

By StrategyGen Co / July 18, 2024 /

Living with diabetes is akin to navigating a complex terrain, where daily choices significantly impact our health. Here are essential strategies for managing this chronic condition: Balanced Meals and Medicines: Balance what you eat and drink with your prescribed diabetes medicine.Too little food in proportion to your diabetes medicine—especially insulin—can lead to dangerously low blood sugar. This…

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Worl Autism Awareness

By StrategyGen Co / July 18, 2024 /

Every April is World Autism Month. Join StrategyGen in bringing awareness to autism and the need for understanding and acceptance regarding it. Celebrate by visiting to learn about the amazing stories shared by those in the autism community and to discover opportunities to help empower these wonderful people. #autismawareness

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Head Trauma and Concussion

By StrategyGen Co / July 18, 2024 /

StrategyGen Co. (SBA Certified HUBZone Small Business) would like to announce that March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. The impact of brain injuries extends beyond the individual; it affects families, caregivers, and communities. By shedding light on brain injuries, we foster understanding, compassion, and advocacy. Brain Injury Association of America, Brain Injury Association of MA,…

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Cancer Prevention

By StrategyGen Co / July 18, 2024 /

At @StrategyGen we take healthcare very seriously and there is almost nothing as serious as cancer. Please read these statistics and data and remember, early detection is the key to beating a cancer diagnosis. Talk to your medical provider about having a screening soon. American Cancer Society, World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute (NCI), American…

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Heart Health

By StrategyGen Co / July 18, 2024 /

StrategyGen and the American Heart Association want you to spread love not just for your special someone but for your heart and your health. Visit the AHA websites to learn how you and your loved ones can be more heart healthy! #AmericanHeartMonth #ValentinesDay2024

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Mental Health Awareness

By StrategyGen Co / July 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Mental Health Awareness

As we close out the month of May, StrategyGen is proud to support Mental Health Awareness Month. Let’s continue to prioritize mental well-being, reduce stigma, and support one another. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. #MentalHealthMatters #EndTheStigma

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Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness

By StrategyGen Co / July 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness

Watching someone you love, live in a shell of their former selves, is one of the hardest things a person can go through. Wouldn’t it be great if we could end the anguish and suffering from this disease….for all involved? END ALZ ASSOCIATION INC Alzheimer’s and Dementia Foundation Alzheimer’s Research UK National Institute of Environmental…

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Men’s Health Week

By StrategyGen Co / July 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Men’s Health Week

Men’s Health Week isn’t just about men. It’s also about family and StrategyGen Co. (SBA Certified HUBZone Small Business) believes that the workplace can prioritize health not just for the sake of their employee, but also their family. Headspace – mindfulness start-up offers a meditation and mental health app with over 70 million subscribers. During the…

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World Blood Donor Day

By StrategyGen Co / July 13, 2024 / Comments Off on World Blood Donor Day

StrategyGen Co. (SBA Certified HUBZone Small Business asks that you please consider becoming a blood donor and helping to save lives. The life you save could be someone you know. American Red Cross The American Red Cross plays a vital role in blood donation and disaster relief. AABB :AABB (formerly known as the American Association…

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PTSD Awareness Month

By StrategyGen Co / July 13, 2024 / Comments Off on PTSD Awareness Month

[StrategyGen Co. (SBA Certified HUBZone Small Business)] through SAMHSA, is working to ease the effects of mental health and substance abuse, two symptoms of PTSD. Treatments are effective, but knowing you’re not alone is a very powerful feeling. Sgt. Mark Adams, Combat Veteran:“Talking openly about my experiences helped me heal. Don’t suffer in silence.”NAMI PTSD…

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